Okay. Another day under the belt. Interesting phenomenon up here. When I closed the door to the room last night at 10pm, it was still light out. When I opened the door this morning at 5am, it was already light out. I think it got dark sometime, but I'm not sure!!!!!!
It was cold this morning. We rode out the first tank of gas. When we stopped, I told Dave we were going to be there for a little while. When he asked why, I told him I was going to dig out my jacket liner, neck wrap and heavy gloves. He laughed at me, but he did whine about the cold as the day wore on....... No whining!!!!!!!!
We knew we were starting to get closer when we saw the following sign:
After 5 days and almost 3,000 miles, we finally reached mile 0 on the Alaska Highway!!!!!!!!
Here is a picture of Dave and I under the world famous Alaska Highway sign (see, it even says world famous on the sign). Just think, from this point, it is only 1,548 miles to Fairbanks.....
Plus, add another couple of hundred miles for our sidetrip up to the border for the Northwest Territories so we can include it on our list and we still have a long way to go to get to Fairbanks. With any luck, we should get the NW Territory sign tomorrow.
We have really lucked out on the weather. Rode between the raindrops today. Only had a couple of miles of medium rain, several light misty times in the mountains leaving Jasper, but other than it being cold, it has been great. It's been great since we've been gone.
Spending the night in Ft. St. John's. We had planned on making it to Ft. Nelson, but heard from some other travelers that there was an oil strike in the area and rooms were hard, if not impossible to come by. So, we called it an early day and stopped here. Plan on getting an early bedtime so we can get up early and hit the road again.
This has been a great trip so far. We are seeing some really beautiful country, meeting a lot of interesting people, and just enjoying ourselves. We've adopted the attitude of "if we don't get there today, there is always tomorrow!". That is the advantage of having a whole month to travel. We just don't have to worry about how long things are taking us. We just have to remember that we can't make it home in 3 days like we always have in the past.
Ok, time to get pictures downloaded, have a cold beer and hit the bed.
The saga continues tomorrow...............
By the way, this post would have been done earlier, but somehow, Dave wrote his post to my blog, had to delete it and re-write it on his. Don't think he didn't get some grief from me on that.....
Hope you all are enjoying this. I'd hate to think nobody is reading it.......
10,000 miles in 26 days
16 years ago
Thanks for the updates! The pictures are beautiful! We are jealous! Hope you are having fun...
I made a HUGE mistake when I decided not to go with you. I've been kicking myself every day. Love you!!
I sent you another comment, but since I don't see it, I could have goofed it up. Anyway, be assured someone is reading your blogs..Very disappointed when nothing new shows up, but sure there is a reason, like no service? The pictures are great and really enjoying being a part of your "once in a lifetime" trip.
Love, JoAnne/Bill
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