Rode through some very interesting terrain today. Started off the morning with everything green and lush. This is what we saw first:
Stopped in a little pub just outside of Vernon for a cold beer to help us cool down. I tried to talk them out of the pool light, but we couldn't figure out how to get it loaded on the bike for the trip home. I thought it would look good hanging on my deck:
Dave and I were talking after dinner tonight. We decided that this would have been a much easier trip at 19, or even 45. Or, if you get right down to it, at 50. We are both getting a little sore and stiff. Old bodies just don't seem to handle this as well anymore. Maybe if I'd worked a little to get in shape before we took off, it would have helped. Note to self: next time, be in better shape. Think I'll remember that??????
Dave is really glad it is heating up. Not me, so much. It would have been nice to have a few days in the 70's instead of going right from 40 to 90 and then even warmer as we get closer to home. Oh well, at least there is no rain in sight. By the time I get home, I might be wishing for it to rain on me just to cool me down!!!!!!
Th th that's all folks....................
First it's too cold, then it's too hot. . .darlin, make up your mind. All I know is, it's hotter than a tamale here.
RAIN?!? If you are looking for some rain to cool off in you are coming back to the wrong place. Might as well keep driving past here and head to the coast and jump in cause there is nothing but 100s and sun for who knows how long.
I can't remember what 70 was like never mind 40. You sure picked a good time to head out of town!
PS awesome pool light .. was it made all out of wood?
Oh yea, one other thing .... there is "Back in the USSR" and "BORN in the USA". Never heard of "Back in the USA". But thats ok, Noe still insists the ZZTop song is called "Tube STEAK boogie". Ugh.
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