Well, we rode more miles today than we have the last several days. Made it all the way from Valdez to Tok. As bad as I hate to say it, we are officially at our turn-around point. So, when we start in the morning, we will be on our way home. Just not sure all the routes we are going to use going home.
Here is a shot leaving Valdez:

Just one picture of some of the waterfalls we saw going through Keystone Canyon. I can't even begin to tell you how many we saw.

Here is a shot of Worthington Glacier. We stopped at the state park and were able to get some close up shots of it. You can just barely see the blue tinge in the picture. The overcast day wiped out the contrasting colors, but the blue was really bright when you see it in person.

The silver thing you see is the Alaskan pipeline. It was running pretty close to the road in this shot. Got to follow it for a few miles. Pretty impressive. Really big!!!!!

We made it to Tok and were trying to decide if we wanted to continue or not. It had been cold (really cold) all day with scattered rain off and on. Got pretty windy at times which made the rain and cold even better. Only about 90 miles from the Canadian border. But, we have to traverse the 47 miles of the same nasty construction we went through coming up. Talked to some people who had just come through it and were told it was raining pretty hard and the construction was a mess. So, like good little boys, we decided to spend the night here and hope it isn't raining in the morning.
When we were looking for a room tonight, one of the things we look for is WiFi access. Well, we stopped at a motel, checked rates (cheapest we've paid for a while) and saw a sign saying they had wifi. So we took it. Decent rooms. Now for the interesting part. I went to access the internet and got a screen from Alaska Power and Light telling me I needed to set up an account. Called the office and they brought down a brochure telling me how to do this. There is a fee for the use of it. For the first time in 2 weeks, staying in places every night, this is the first time I've heard of having to pay for access. The lady from the motel is computer illiterate. According to her, all motels in Tok have the same deal. But, looking in the milepost, there are places here that offer free internet. I think she doesn't have a clue. Oh well, it isn't that high, it is just the principle of it.
Since we are limited on what we can do based on what I subscribed to, I need to get off so Dave can do his. I am still fuming over this.
Mike, we thought the scenery around Valdez was the most beautiful of all. Glad you went there! I know you will have lots of great pictures. Can't wait to see them. Good luck on that treacherous 47 miles of road.
I have really enjoyed reading the blog and seeing the pictures. I have looked forward to it every day.
Have a safe trip home.
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