Well, we found another road to add to our re-do list today. Rte 6 through southern B.C. is a definite come back and do it again. There were places in it that were as challenging as the ride we took on the Dragon (motorcycle riders know where that is). Only difference is the Dragon is 12 miles and this was almost 200 miles long. It was great!!!!!!! Twisties, scenery, critters, little towns. A whole lot of fun!!!!!!!

Even had a place in the middle where the road just ended. Had to get on the ferry to cross the river, or we would have made a really big splash, as the bikes (and Dave) don't float very well.

Then, back to the twisties.

This is the sign we've been waiting on for quite a few days. It is always good to see it during a trip. Means you are back home!!!!!

Had a little excitement at the border. Seems they wanted to search the bikes. Had to unload everything. Caused me just a little worry, but they didn't search really thorough. It was more to see our reactions as they checked each bag to decide if they REALLY needed to look through things. Finally told us it was okay to repack. A whole lotta fun!!!!!!
This sign has been a lot of fun for us.

Seems like they had just chip sealed the road and there was some loose gravel on it. We exercised so much caution, you wouldn't believe it. We kept the speed down to around 70. After some of the roads we've been on, this was a piece of cake!!!!! Loose gravel? Just hang on a little tighter!!!!!
Speaking of keeping the speed down to 70, after we crossed the border into Washington, the speed limit was 55. I had the cruise set on 70 (see above). We were meeting some traffic and the lead vehicle suddenly had all kinds of brightly lit flashing lights on it. I throttled down and started looking for a place to pull over, as there was no doubt he had us. Just before we came even, he turned all the pretty lights off, and as he passed us, he shook his finger at us. Really nice officer!!!!!!!!
Had a really tough time finding a place to stay. Friday night (read weekend start), recreation area, and a big Indian Tribal gathering makes for a lack of rooms. Finally got one. Not a lot of fun, as the traffic was heavy, the temps were high and my Harley gets really warm on the inside of my legs when you spend two or three light changes just to move up a block and do it again. Took 3 or 4 really cold beers to get them cooled off.
But, the best thing was they had a laundry where we found a room and my laundry is DONE!!!! Means I'll get to put on clean undies in the morning. It was starting to get tense.........
We are staying within 90 miles or so from where we made it home in 2 1/2 days a few years ago. This time, we plan on taking 5 or 6 days to do it. Depending on the weather (where the rain is) and how we feel about wondering around for a while, we should be home mid next week. We'll see how it goes.
Ok, off to bed so I can drag this old body out in the morning and climb back on the beast.....